Excavation Services
Throughout our journey we’ve acquired an extremely versatile fleet of excavation equipment and invaluable experience. What sets us apart is the fact that we have the knowledge to determine the right equipment for your project and more importantly we can provide it. Our skilled operators are friendly and are there for you. Our ever-growing fleet includes small excavators for small home and backyard projects. Medium size excavators are often used for basement excavation, drainage, hard surface base preparation and more. The larger excavators are used for building ponds, clearing/grubbing land, earth moving, handling heavy rocks and so on. We offer a variety of attachment and features such as breaker attachments (break concrete or rock), grinder (grind trees and shrubs), rubber tracks (minimize ground marking) and laser mounts for perfect grading applications. We invite you to view our Hydrovac truck services for specialty safe excavation.

Demolition Services
Demolition if not planned and executed properly can be risky business. We’re insured and are proud to have maintained and excellent safety record throughout the magnitude of demolition projects completed in the residential and commercial sector. We’ve now expanded our fleet of equipment and resources to optimize and promote recycling. We’re also qualified and experienced in removing, handling and disposing hazardous and contaminated substances.

Asphalt Paving
With over half a century of paving experience, to us this is more than a job, it’s our signature, passion and tradition. We install asphalt for driveways, parking lots, roads, provide custom hand and machine work. We offer so much more than just a black top; our projects are of the highest quality and built to last. It all starts with good drainage and base. Our staff are trained experts in grading, sub-soil and granular-base quality. If you appreciate quality and want things done right than reach out to us to experience true pride of workmanship.

Concrete Installation and Repair
Concrete is utilized in the construction industry for various applications both interior and exterior. We provide cost efficient and high-quality products such as structural pads, sidewalks, curbs, foundations and floors. We do so by taking care of every step from the excavation, frost protection, base installation, reinforcing steel, forming and finishing. Our services also include concrete cutting, coring, patching and care.

Landscaping Product Supply
Being the largest sand, gravel and soil supplier in the area allows us to provide you with any type of landscaping products you may want. We own and operate multiple pits and quarries, state of the art crushing and screening equipment which ensure you receive nothing but the highest quality material at the lowest possible price. You can reach us anytime and our friendly staff will be pleased to help you calculate the required quantities for your project and schedule a delivery. We manufacture and offer topsoil, gravel, clear stone, crusher dust, sand, blocks and more. View our other services for how this material is used and installed by our construction team. We can also load your trailer, pick up box or pail right in our yard on highway 17.

Water & Sewer Services
Water and sewer services are a necessity in our everyday lives. While the city collects the water and treats the sewage, we install the distribution pipes and infrastructure to deliver fresh water to you and send sewage to the treatment plants. We safely excavate the roads to repair, replace and install underground pressure or gravity pipes, valves, catch basins and man holes. When building a new home, we excavate to the main lines, connect to them and bring the services to your building.

Underground Electrical
Many of the new electrical installation are underground versus the traditional pole and overhead services. We’ve successfully participated in many major underground electrical upgrade projects. Our services include everything related to the civil work such as excavation, pipe and precast concrete structure installation, backfilling and restoration. When we leave the job site it’s clean and ready for the electricians to run they’re cable and connect the power.

Septic Systems
We’re highly recognized in the industry as professional large scale engineered on-site sewage system installers. Our experience includes installing, repairing and maintaining on-site sewage treatment systems for schools, provincial parks, mines, camp sites and commercial establishments. We step up to the plate for large scale, challenging and complex sewage treatment projects

Weeping Tiles & Water Proofing
There are many reasons why water could be penetrating your foundation and flooding your basement. Rest assured that we will find the root cause and rectify your problem. Our service consists of excavating the perimeter of your foundation, inspect for visual damages and gather information to determine the cause of your leaky basement. We have the equipment and experience to flush your pipes, repair foundations, waterproof the foundation, install

Landscaping and Shoreline Work
West Nipissing is a waterfront community that have pride in their curb appeal, landscaping and lifestyle. We’ve had the opportunity to work on beautiful projects with natural stone retaining walls, decorative concrete blocks and custom manufactured rock. We can also dredge for canals to create boat access and transform your property into something functional and beautiful. We work closely with the conservation authority, ministry of resources, architects and engineers to make your experience with us simple and enjoyable.

Land Clearing / Brushing
We utilize a brusher head attachment at the end of our long stick excavator to clean up properties for appeal and better use of land. The extra reach of the long stick makes it ideal for harder to reach places and faster completion time as the excavator spends less time moving around and more time brushing. Our brusher head is powerful and capable of brushing down trees up to 150mm in diameter.

Snow Removal
We have a large fleet of various sized plows, pick-ups, sanders, loaders and dump trucks for residential and commercial snow removal and ice control. We offer seasonal contracts and plow anytime there is 5cm or more of snow so you never have to worry about shoveling snow again!

Hydrovac Services – Pipe Cleaning/Thawing
Hydro-excavation is the safest method of excavation when locating underground services such as gas lines, hydro lines, fiber optic, and more. It effectively breaks up the ground with pressurized water while sucking up the loose material with the truck. Our hydrovac is equipped with a rodder and able to clean underground pipes such as weeping tiles, sewer lines and drain lines; it’s also used to clean and maintain man holes and catch basins.

Storm drainage solutions, culverts, ditching, ponds
We take drainage seriously and have learned to master it. Improper drainage can lead to flooding resulting in infrastructure failure, foundation failures and crop losses. We provide drainage services including open ditching, underground piping, collection points, control points, pumps and ponds. We supply, install and maintain drains, culverts, pumps and underground storm piping system.